Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 !

Hi All, Merry Christmas to all!
Did you have a great time partying ? =)

My celebration started at Wild Honey. All day breakfast.

Then Jack Reacher, entertained me for that evening..

Great Movie..!

On Christmas Eve, it was a half day at work. (or rather 3 hours off work.)
One colleague gave out a Christmas cookie when i reach office.. Nicely baked..

And there it is, the Christmas Lunch by the company...

Best part of the lunch, i won a Chocolate hamper during the lucky draw at lunch !!

The earpiece, which was my wish list for the company gift exchange.

This burning candle and aromatic oil with potpourri (Is this the right description?), was given by my boss.

Then was the friends gathering at night. Food, and catching up, plus the gift exchange..

With our christmas gift under the christmas tree.. HAHA!

And, i got a bottle of wine, YEAH~

How was your Christmas celebration? = )

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This Post is specially for 22 Dec 2012

This is a post specially for 22 Dec 2012, which is the second day in which we all be thinking it will be the end of the day on 21 Dec 2012.

If you see this post, please drop a comment !!

Good luck to all of us.


Post written on 1st Dec 2012.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Another new method to prevent cancer ??

It seems scientists discovered another new method to prevent cancer......

It is squeezing of the breasts.

HUH !! My eyes opened wide, when i saw the header of this article.

The article mentioned that Experiments found that physical pressure led cells back to normal growth patterns, and that even after compression was no longer applied, the malignant cells stopped growing.
And therefore can prevent cancer.

So those with lovers, wife, you know what to do.

Or, I can volunteer to help to squeeze..!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Full of Shit

That day, while having lunch, one of our lunch khaki had bird shit falling on her arm.

"Eeeee...." she shouted. And grabbing tons of tissue paper to clean it.

We had a good laugh that day.

* * * * * * * *

Sorry to laugh at her.
Last evening when i was on my way home after work, i encountered the same situation.

I was traveling up the escalator to take the public bus home.. when i reached the platform, "some liquid" fall onto my hair. (I felt it but then thought it was rain, as it was raining.. but i forgot the platform area was sheltered.)

I ignored, and continue walking.

Suddenly ! I saw the right of my polo tee, there is this whitish, plus a bit of yellowish substance...

Oh no! It's bird shit !!!!
Laugh at me, i actually took some and smell it. (To double confirm.)

I rushed to the nearest toilet to clean it up.

My first time.
I wonder how many people saw this.......

I must really shout, HUAT ah !! (My favorite word to use.)
Huat (pronounced as Huat), is the hokkien language for prosperous. 

A day full of shit.
At work, and on my head.

HUAT ah !

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The next movie i want to watch.

Over the weekends, i caught a movie.

It was "Life of Pi", directed by Ang Lee (李安).

Pi (Read as pie) is the mathematical number π, which is approximately equal to 3.14159.( Rounded to 3.142.)
However the movie has nothing to do with maths, but more to surviving in a very tough situation of a kid surviving a tragic disaster at sea, with a tiger.

A great movie, whereby you can see a lot of beautiful animals !! =)

The next movie i want to watch would be : Jackie Chan's Chinese Zodiac ( 十二生肖 ) !!

Let's see him do Magic, again !