
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Such a pity !! =( Source :

Susan Boyle's dream collapses as she loses British talent show Posted: 31 May 2009 0505 hrs

LONDON : Unlikely Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle was dealt a blow on Saturday when she lost out to a troupe of young street dancers in the final of the British talent show that made her a global star. Despite winning praise from the audience and the judges in her final performance on live television, Boyle, 48, graciously accepted second place, saying the "best people won" and wishing the winners "all the best". Boyle enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame over the past two months after video footage of her audition piece for the show, "I Dreamed A Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables", was posted on YouTube. It has had about 100 million hits and brought her celebrity fans including actress Demi Moore and rock star Jon Bon Jovi. Bookmakers made her the favourite to win, but after an unconvincing semi-final performance there were fears the unemployed church volunteer, who lives alone with her cat outside Edinburgh, was suffering under the pressure. In a live performance in the "Britain's Got Talent" final on Saturday, however, Boyle proved the critics wrong and repeated her audition piece with gusto. One of the three judges, Piers Morgan, called it the "greatest performance I've seen on the history of 'Britain's Got Talent' - you should win the competition, I loved it". Boyle was up against nine other acts to win the show, which brings with it a cheque for 100,000 pounds (115,000 euros, 160,000 dollars) and the chance to perform for Queen Elizabeth II. More than one million viewers cast their vote following the live performances - but in the end, Boyle lost out to a multi-ethnic posse of 10 street dancers aged 12 to 25 from London and Essex called Diversity. Following her performance, Boyle - wearing a grey-blue, long sequined dress - gushed appreciation for her worldwide fan base. "I want to thank people for all the support they've given me," she said. Asked if it was worth all the media pressure, she replied: "Well worth it!... I really feel at home on stage, I'm among friends." Boyle put in a shaky performance of "Memory" in the show's semi-finals last weekend, singing occasionally out of tune and out of time, and some fans on YouTube questioned whether she could handle the weight of expectations. News media meanwhile reported some erratic behaviour over the past week, including how she had lost her temper in the foyer of the London hotel where she was staying. Morgan, a tabloid journalism veteran who forged a friendship with Boyle, described her in his blog as a "frightened rabbit in headlights" and revealed she considered quitting the contest. But his fellow judge Amanda Holden said after Saturday's performance: "I have never heard such powerful confident vocals." Reports on Sunday suggested Boyle could strike it rich if she capitalises on her global success, with the News of the World saying one of the show's judges, music promoter Simon Cowell, had big plans for her. "It's the biggest phenomenon I've ever seen out of any of my shows," Cowell - a household name in the United States as a judge on "American Idol" - told the newspaper. Asked on television about her plans, Boyle said: "I hope to get an album out - I'll just play it by ear. What a journey - unbelievable, and very humbling. Thank you for everything." - AFP/ls/ms

Saturday, May 30, 2009

With tests next week..... My Saturday was spent..... I MISSED the Wild Wild Wet event !! =(

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wash Your Hands Too - MTV

Since Singapore got its first H1N1,

Wash Your Hands Too

I dowan you to touch me baby You go toilet nair wash hand right?

When you wash your body, wash your hands too When you wash your body, wash your hands too You don’t want get swine flu Or someone pass to you You better wash your body your body your body

H1N1 is confirm no fun Be careful where you go, US or Mexico If you have temperature that mean you got fever Don’t just take honey, this flu is not farny

Maybe it’s time to wear a mask Maybe you have forgotten SARS Whatever the weather, must bring ther-mo meter Stick it in your armpit or down there!

When you wash your body, wash your hands too When you wash your body, wash your hands too Though the level is yellow Don’t be dirty fellow You better wash your body your body your body

When you wash your body, wash your hands too When you wash your body, wash your hands too Must wash after poo poo Or germs will stick to you Wash more than your body your body your body

I know you use finger, don’t let the smell linger I know you dig gold, and wipe on some pole You scratch your backside, and think you can hide You play your below, take ice from my Milo

Maybe it’s time to be hygiene Maybe you should be quarantined Don’t be a spreader, we stay clean together We’ll pick the kutus from each other’s hair!

When you wash your body, wash your hands too When you wash your body, wash your hands too If you think you’re infected Don’t blur block go Orchard Don’t pass to somebody somebody somebody

When you wash your body, wash your hands too When you wash your body, wash your hands too Must wash after pang jio The Wonder Girls damn chio They dowan your body your body your body

Back in the days when we only took a bath monthly now Looking at you I feel, as sick Kim Jong Ill Your breath smell like kimchi, you see There’s no vaccine eugene Go wash your body Your body your body, wash your hands too

From :

This song never dies off, now can use as H1N1 motto... LoL

端午節快樂 !!

My friend send me this message.. 這個泡泡裡│°∵╭ ╮∵° ★│裝了许许多多的│∴°╰~~╯‧°‧ ∵│祝福l°‧╭希望/°‧╭快樂╮∵‧ ☆│希望我的朋友│°☆∵╰~~╯°★∵ ∴│ 都 │∴‧°╭天天笑口常开╮‧°∵ ╰╮★☆★╭╯ ∴°╰~~╯‧∴°     │☆╭─╯   ╭╯╭╯  ╔╝★╚╗ r  ║★☆★║╔═══╗  ╔═══╗  ╔═══╗  ╔═══╗  ╔═══╗  ║☆★☆║║ 端 ║ ║ 午 ║ ║ 節 ║ ║ 快 ║ ║ 樂 ║ ◢◎══◎╚╝◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎═◎╝═╚◎ Nice right ?! The reason for this festival.. and how it come about.. (sorry people, its in Chinese...) Source : 端午节為每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、五日節、艾节、端五、重午、午日、夏节,本來是夏季的一個驅除瘟疫的節日,後來楚國詩人屈原於端午節投江自盡,就變成紀念屈原的節日,與春節、中秋屬中華文化圈重要的傳統節日。


一般所接受的说法是:传说端午节是为了纪念戰國時代楚國詩人屈原,他在五月初五这天投汨罗江自尽殉国。但许多盛行于世的端午习俗早在此之前即已流传,而且不少都有驱瘟避疫的成分,故此有人推测,端午节源于对恶日(即农历五月,因仲夏瘟疫流行而得名)的禁忌。 北朝蕭梁時期宗懍所著的《荊楚歲時記》,是一部中國古代荊楚地區的歲時節令、風物故事的介紹文集。在該書的第卅節裡頭記載著:「按五月五日競渡,俗為屈原投汨羅日,傷其死所,故並命舟楫以拯之……邯鄲淳曹娥碑云,五月五日,時迎伍君……斯又東吳之俗,事在子胥,不關屈平也。」認為端午競渡是為了迎接已被當時人們視為河神的伍子胥,與屈原無關。 另外一种说法,学者闻一多指出,端午节最重要的两项活动——竞渡和吃粽子,都和龙有关(见《端午考》),可能是迎涛神祭图腾的习俗。相传古代中国南方吴越人(今江浙一带)认为自己是龙的传人,每年五月初五举行祭图腾仪式,以求来年风调雨顺、大丰收。他们把食物裹在树叶里或装在竹子里,投到江里面去。后来他们还有在这天划着独木舟拜访亲朋好友的做法。高兴时就即兴举行独木舟赛,慢慢演变成今天过端午节这种习俗。 民國28年,對日抗戰烽火正燃之際,重慶文藝界抗敵協會為紀念愛國詩人屈原,於是議定每年端午節屈原逝世之日為詩人節。 在江南端午节是一个潮湿酷热的季节,这时百种毒虫开始滋生,从医学角度来说要吃雄黄酒来避邪。 [编辑] 名称来源 “端”字有“初始”的意思,因此“端五”就是“初五”。而按照历法五月正是“午”月,因此“端五”也就渐渐演变成了现在的“端午”。 How to make dumplings. By the way, Barcelona won Manchester United to win their third Champions League with a 2-0 victory.. Sad for Man U, Happy for Barcelona ! So happy its Friday tomorrow, but i got 2 tests next week !!! =(

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Singapore confirms first case of H1N1

I thought the UEFA Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona was the most talk about topic in the company... Until this news came out..... Source : Singapore confirms first case of H1N1

Posted: 27 May 2009 1033 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore has confirmed its first case of Influenza A (H1N1). The patient, a 22-year-old Singapore Management University student, is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition. The Singaporean woman was in New York from May 14-24. She arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am. She was seated at Row 55. She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then. Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May. The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell. Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case. The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis. Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition. The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and healthcare institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air). All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well. Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said: "We know that sooner or later we will have our first case (of H1N1 flu) and now we do. I suppose we have been lucky -- we have now five weeks since the alert to prepare ourselves, as well as Singaporeans for this eventuality. So there should really be no cause for alarm. “Especially in this case the patient has been most responsible… and the GP is highly commendable. (The GP) made the right judgement -- calling 993 so that within six hours of (the patient’s) touchdown in Singapore, she was isolated in the hospital, so the risk of her causing a spread in Singapore should be very low." Speaking at a labour event on Wednesday, NTUC Chief Mr Lim Swee Say said Singapore is prepared for its first case of the H1N1 virus. He said: "All of us are psychologically prepared for this but the issue here is not so much on when, now that it has happened. I think what we have to focus on is the speed of spreading. What we have to do is ensure that the entire community plays their part." Singaporeans are reminded to maintain high standards of personal hygiene. This means covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, and washing your hand frequently with soap and water, especially after contact with respiratory secretions, for example, after sneezing and coughing. Everyone also needs to be socially responsible. This means staying home and avoiding crowded places (including trains, buses, offices), putting on a surgical mask and seeing a doctor if you have flu symptoms. MOH advises those who travelled to affected areas to closely monitor their health and seek treatment as soon as possible should they develop symptoms. Members of the public are also advised to exercise caution over travel to affected areas. In the event that travel is unavoidable, the public is advised to take precautionary measures such as avoiding crowded areas and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene at all times. However, if you are unwell with fever and cough but have no travel history to affected areas, you are also advised to see a doctor and stay at home. MOH is monitoring the situation closely and will update the public should there be any new developments. For more information on Influenza A (H1N1-2009), you can access MOH's website at, call MOH's hotline at 1800-333 9999, or visit - CNA/ir

H1N1 hits Singapore~ =X Be careful, people !
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