Friday, August 14, 2009

YEAH! Exams over! ! I got holiday till 25th August 09, before the new modules start again. = ) However, today's paper was difficult... *pray hard to pass* Had a nice dinner with my classmates after the paper. After which i went over to Orchard to collect the tickets for movie next Tues.. I was at ION. Think was the exam's after effect, i seem to walk past the same store at least twice.. and i keep getting to the MRT control area.. why huh? LoL Anyway, nothing much was interesting to me at that place.. I even got problem finding the toilets.. and thinking that their toilet bowls are golden toilet bowls, was disappointed that it was not made of gold leh! =[ The most interesting i bumped into was this! It was actually what walking MSN icon.. i walked over to shake his hand, and then all others start to rush up to him.. -___-" By the way huh.... Who will be going with me leh ? =P


  1. No leh.. it was a MSN messenger icon. LoL *Got a feeling its a female inside.. the hand rather small*

  2. Chey~ You should have shook her hand & remove the head xD


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