Sunday, March 4, 2018

Unlocking the Mystery: Dive into the Thrilling Chronicles of My Latest Ventures!

Long time no post.

What have i been busy with?

The usual 9 to 5 work.

And of course, my online business at

If you would like to get cash back while you spend money, do create your free account.
And please remember to key in my email in the referral box :

Go take a look ! 😊

While one is busy, please do not forget to exercise !

Come to think of it, i have not been jogging for quite some time, and every time i planned to go jogging, it rains! HAHA !!
(It rained while im tying this.)
Shall do some Static exercises to make up.

To all friends, eat right, and also exercise!

Shall write again real soon. Stay healthy, everyone !


Saturday, September 9, 2017

"Back to School" that Saturday..

Through Facebook account, i get to know my ex secondary school had this 'open hour' that Saturday.
Its been like almost 20 years since i last go back to school. 

That familiar side door..
Now they got a shelter linked to the bus stop. (There was not such things during my days.)

That study corner looks same same but different. We used to study, and chit chat at this area.

There was not much changes. But the tables and chairs looked much smaller to me. (I grown up. HAHA.)
That empty grass we used to play at, turned into a beautiful garden.  

Hi my younger days, i missed you.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Finally, i done something...

I always put the sentence "I am on diet", but i still carry on eating. LOL

In May 2017,  i banged on the table, with a few jeans feeling tight, decided, i want to REALLY want to lose some weights.

Me then decided to do a TLS™ 21-Day Challenge Kit.

For 21 days, or 3 weeks, i followed the guide of what to do, and eat clean. Of course, exercise was a must too.

Saying "NO" to my favourite coffee, harshbrowns, potatoes, beer, friend chicken wings......... and the list can go on and on.

Guess what ? I did make it and lost 5 kg !! YEAH !

Are you also looking to get healthy, and lose some weights ?
Let me know ! =)