
Sunday, July 3, 2011

米桶空了。 Rice Barrel is empty.

Today my mum told me: 米桶空了。
In English, it means: the Rice Barrel is empty.

In modern times (like now), the first thing we think of is: Just go supermarket and buy, lah.... right?
To me, it meant otherwise.

However, did you actually know how rice come about?

Anyway, when the rice barrel is empty, to me it's like the family having no money.
Scary much...

Just like the rice barrel must be full during the Chinese New Year period, it should be full always.

Don't you agree?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Play game, and train.

Was reading blogs of friends, and one post (from Yellow Splat) caught my attention..
The tittle was really interesting..

The title was: Angry Birds on Google Chrome

Although it was on Google Chrome, it was fine with playing on Firefox too!

Go to : to play!

And i think this game can be used to train the future soldiers of Singapore, as now recruits doing Basic Military Training (BMT) will be issued with an ipad !


So much better life than me, from last time.

Anyway, the Singapore guys sure will love this video from Mr Brown!

4G soldier of the SAF, Huat ah!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A busy week..

It was a busy week.

A new director came into the work place, and it was meeting, after meeting.
Last night it ended 9pm.
My bird brain was overloaded with information. (LOL)

Anyway, have you registered for the Standard Chartered Marathon Run 2011?
I signed up the 10km one this year. Still not that confident to do a 21km, yet. HAHA!

Marathon fans, the website to register is: HERE

I have one in September and this standchart run in December.

Keep fit, Hong Wei.

May this picture keep you motivated.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life, Leaving, Friends always.

Although i left the company during November last year,i am still missing the wonderful colleagues and friends.

They were always supporting and great people to work with, if not for the sudden "buy over" by another company, i guess i will still be there, working.

Anyway recently, i been hearing many of them leaving (like me too) and heading to a new place. Even my ex Boss sms me, telling me she's leaving too!

I had my bumpy journey after i left too, things were never the same after i left..therefore i am wishing them all the best too!

Whatever it is, i sure hope we will always keep in touch with each other, everyone being happy and great health always. =]

Let's treat it as: we "graduated" from that work place.

The Only Constant In Life Is Change.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's been two years, how are you ?

Hi Michael, it's been 2 years on Earth.
Many of us are missing you here.
How are you doing over the other dimension of the world?

Two years ago, during this day, i was in the hospital accompanying my grandma for her checkup, and saw the news of your death over the TV.

I also posted about your leaving on my blog too, did you happened to read that?

Anyway, just to update you, Earth has been rather sick lately, with earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, which caused the melting and damages of the nuclear plants..
Earthquakes were present in New Zealand also..
Even the volcano in Iceland started erupting too...
And as usual, the weather is still as hot, with temperature rising..

If you see someone at your side who can help, can you please discuss it with him or her??

I hope there will be lesser disasters and everyone is happy with everyone.

I also hope the real reason of you leaving us can be found out soon, and who ever is the culprit must be punished for taking you away from us.

Miss you, MJ.
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