Why this picture?
This is the picture i took, in my sunglasses (and with my contact lens!) Haha...
My first time wearing contact lens, after so many years, when all my friends around have actually been doing it for so long...
What kept me so long from wearing contact lens?
Fear of the contact lens, missing..
Fear of the contact lens, dropping out when im outside...
Fear of seeing my finger near my own eyes!
My friends help me to overcome it.
The whole lot of them, with a mirror, and my trial contact lens, guided and watched me put on the contact lens for the first time. LoL
It's actually not that scary!!!
When you are more 'skillful' with it, its quite fast, actually.
For those first timers, i got links for you to read, and this helps me too.
See --> HERE
Some videos --> HERE
Cheers~! =)