I was all prepared to knock off at 5.30pm straight, to enjoy the party, but last minute things happened ! I was caught up at work till 6pm.(Event started at 7pm) So i had to take a cab to Singapore Art Museum.
The meter 'beeped' twice on the way there.Not enough cash, so had to pay with nets..
Want to guess the damage?
But anyway, this is not important. Haha!
I was still on time for the party, Yeah!
They had this band called: Black Diamond Ninjas who performed, and so coincidently, of of them was my reservist mate.Haha!
Here's a clip of them performing last night.
Personally i love such live performance !
If you like them too, join them at their Facebook, ok? =)
I met friends whom i talked to online, i met new friends, i had good food, i enjoyed their performance and activities.. It was nice!
Some photos to share..
From my iphone

* Beautiful Photos, Credits to Kris (Krisandro.com), Chee Chin, Feliza.
Sorry, i am taking the photos from here, and there. If i missed out mentioning you, please do let me know, ok?
More shall appear when i get tagged on my Facebook.=)
Although i did not win any lucky draw, the goodie bag i got, was good enough ! =)
Fun night!! Hope to go for more of such events in the future...
Thank you, and good job, 24seven! (",)
* * * * * * *
Last day of year 2009.
Wishing all of you a happy new year, all the best in 2010~ =)